What is surströmming – Surströmming, a Swedish delicacy that has gained notoriety for its pungent odor, is a fermented fish dish that holds a unique place in culinary history. Its origins, preparation methods, and cultural significance make it a fascinating subject of exploration.

This Baltic Sea delicacy, made from fermented herring, has a distinctive flavor profile and aroma that has both captivated and repelled taste buds for centuries.

Definition and Origins

Surströmming, a traditional Swedish delicacy, is fermented Baltic Sea herring known for its pungent, strong smell and unique flavor. The word “surströmming” translates to “sour herring” in Swedish, reflecting the fermentation process that gives it its distinctive character.

The origins of surströmming can be traced back to the 16th century, when herring was a staple food in Sweden. To preserve the fish during the summer months, it was fermented in wooden barrels with salt and water. This fermentation process creates lactic acid bacteria, which give surströmming its characteristic sour flavor and pungent odor.

Traditional Methods

Traditionally, surströmming is prepared by packing fresh herring into wooden barrels, adding salt and water, and then sealing the barrels. The fermentation process takes place over several months, during which time the fish undergoes a series of chemical changes that give it its unique flavor and smell.

Once the fermentation process is complete, the barrels are opened and the surströmming is ready to be eaten. It is typically served with tunnbröd (a thin, unleavened bread), potatoes, and onions.

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Fermentation Process

The production of surströmming involves a unique fermentation process that imparts its distinctive characteristics. This process relies on the action of lactic acid bacteria and other microorganisms, resulting in the development of a pungent odor and a sour, slightly acidic flavor.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria, primarily Lactobacillus plantarumand Lactobacillus pentosus, play a crucial role in the fermentation of surströmming. These bacteria convert the sugars present in the herring into lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the fish and inhibits the growth of spoilage microorganisms.

Other Microorganisms

In addition to lactic acid bacteria, other microorganisms also contribute to the fermentation process. These include yeasts, which produce carbon dioxide gas, and proteolytic bacteria, which break down proteins into amino acids. The interaction of these microorganisms creates a complex ecosystem that results in the characteristic flavor and odor of surströmming.

Distinctive Odor and Flavor

The fermentation process produces a range of volatile compounds that contribute to the distinctive odor and flavor of surströmming. These compounds include hydrogen sulfide, acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid. The combination of these compounds creates a pungent, sulfurous smell and a sour, slightly acidic taste.

Nutritional Value and Health Considerations

Surströmming is a rich source of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. It is particularly high in vitamin B12, which is essential for red blood cell production and nerve function. Surströmming also contains significant amounts of vitamin D, which is important for bone health and immune function.

Additionally, it is a good source of calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Potential Health Benefits

  • Improved heart health:The omega-3 fatty acids in surströmming have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation.
  • Reduced risk of cancer:Some studies have suggested that the antioxidants in surströmming may help to protect against certain types of cancer, including prostate and colon cancer.
  • Boosted immune system:The high levels of vitamin C and vitamin D in surströmming can help to strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.
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Potential Health Risks

Despite its nutritional value, surströmming can also pose some health risks if consumed in large amounts. The high levels of salt in surströmming can lead to high blood pressure and water retention. Additionally, the fermentation process can produce harmful bacteria, which can cause food poisoning if the fish is not properly prepared.

Cultural Significance and Consumption

What is surströmming

Surströmming holds a unique place in Swedish culinary tradition, carrying significant cultural and social implications. Beyond its borders, it has gained notoriety as a culinary oddity, attracting both curiosity and aversion.

In Sweden, surströmming is deeply ingrained in the national identity, particularly in the northern regions where it originated. It is a symbol of resilience and adaptability, representing the ability of people to thrive in harsh conditions.

Traditional Consumption

Traditionally, surströmming is eaten during the summer months, often as part of a festive gathering known as a “surströmming party.” The fish is typically served on flatbread with boiled potatoes, onions, and a dollop of sour cream. A side of snaps, a type of Scandinavian schnapps, is often enjoyed as an accompaniment.

Etiquette and Precautions

Handling and consuming surströmming requires certain precautions. The pungent odor can be overpowering, so it is advisable to open the can outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Once opened, the fish should be rinsed thoroughly to remove any excess brine and bacteria.

Due to its high salt content, surströmming should be consumed in moderation to avoid dehydration.

Controversies and Regulations: What Is Surströmming

Surströmming has been a subject of controversy due to its pungent odor and potential health risks.

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The strong odor, described as a mixture of rotten fish, sulfur, and sour milk, has led to debates about its acceptability in public spaces. In some countries, such as Germany and Australia, its import and consumption are restricted due to concerns about the odor.

Regulations and Safety Measures

To ensure the safety of surströmming, regulations and safety measures are in place during its production, storage, and consumption.

  • Production facilities must adhere to strict hygiene standards to prevent contamination.
  • The fermentation process is carefully controlled to ensure the desired flavor and acidity levels.
  • Cans are sealed under pressure to prevent spoilage and explosions.
  • Consumers are advised to open cans outdoors or in well-ventilated areas due to the strong odor.

Cultural Significance and Debates, What is surströmming

Despite the controversies, surströmming holds cultural significance in Sweden and is considered a delicacy by some.

  • It is traditionally consumed during the summer months, often accompanied by bread, potatoes, and onions.
  • Some proponents argue that the strong odor is an essential part of the experience and that it should not be censored.
  • Opponents, however, maintain that the odor is a nuisance and should be regulated to protect public health and comfort.


Surströmming, with its complex history, fermentation process, and cultural significance, remains a culinary enigma that continues to intrigue and polarize. Whether embraced as a delicacy or shunned as an olfactory assault, this fermented fish dish has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the culinary landscape.